Greetings! It’s the end of the year and here are some pics from work. To the team: I suck. I apologize. I had said I’d get a photo album going this year and while it is still technically 2014, it’s the last week before we close down for the year. On the bright side, this year is not just picture of the Stardock dogs (though Arrow is in a few of these but Bailey and Maggie are not). Stardock in the evening....
I can’t believe Fall is here. I think I missed a month, at least! So before everything has changed, I took some pictures. Leaving work. We picked apples to make into Apple Sauce and Apple crisp. Delicious! Backup Power Generator. Solar Array. Walls leading to house. Polaris Ranger EVs. We use these to work with the apple trees and bee hives and garden area.
DIY Fabric Softener 2 C Vinegar 12 oz your favorite smelling conditioner (can be the cheap stuff) 6 C Water Mix this all together and use with a downy ball. 1/4 c or so per load. Experiment and see what works best for your family! The vinegar smell goes away once it's all dry.
Hva hvis du er en kvinne som er ung og pen, men uten seksuelt ønske? Da kan du ikke leke med andre mennesker, og du kommer sikkert til å kreve mer tid fra familien og foreldene. Kanskje til og med venner. Blir en sånn person akserptert i samfunnet vårt i det hele tatt? Det er det samme med uføre barn. Det er ekskludert fra mange aktiviteter, mens det krever mer engasjment fra foreldrene. Det er jo kjempevanskelig å oppdra et sånt barn på rik...
Basic DIY Laundry Soap Can be made as natural as you want Making your own laundry soap serves several needs. It's extremely cheap, it cleans better than average laundry soap, and it's hypo allergenic. This recipe can be modified to suit what you want your laundry soap to do. I post only the liquid form because I feel the liquid does a far better job of cleaning, especially in cold water situations. Laundry Soap (aprox 5 Gal) 1/2 c Bo...
DIY Hand lotion chemical free (and as organic as you want it to be) This is a super simple recipe, shelf stable, and works great. I will list the basic components and ratio's, these can be perfected on and modified as you see fit. Lotion 1/2 c. Oil (This can be Olive oil, Canola, Linseed, almond, or almost any other, the scent will remain though so choose one with a light scent, or none at all.) 1/4 c wax (can be bees wax or I...
The Christmas cards that my family is sending out for Christmas 2012 are in the mail. Whew! Roughly 120 - 130 cards addressed, stamped, stuffed (with a very short "newsletter" this year) for most of them (wife 2.0 may not have stuffed all of the cards that she sent out, but that is her prerogative) -- in the last few years I've put together and sent out a holiday newsletter that went in all of the cards I sent, going back to 2009, when wife 1.0 was killed in the car wreck in...
We’re babysitting Paul (Mormegil) and Kristin’s (Kristin was my partner on PowerUser.TV ) dog. She seems to be surviving:
My wife is addicted to Christmas. And so this year we decided to line the trees up the drive way with Christmas lights.
I got the honor of reviewing an KRUPS XP601050 Espresso machine for home use, compliments of Amazon. Unfortunately, I was less than completely impressed with the machine. Read the linked review for full details on the issues I had with it and why I can't really recommend it for purchase.
My spouse (whom I refer to frequently, at another site or three... as wife 2.0, since she's my second wife) does not frequent this site and would be highly unlikely to stumble upon it if I didn't point her in the right direction. I think I've sent her here in the past to read some of my previous rants and thoughts, but she just hasn't been that interested, and really, until recently, I wasn't all that talkative here any more so it probably didn't matter. Her fami...
My youngest first time climbing the big wall.. (He's in blue)
New blog! This'll be fun... I just want to start this off by saying, I'm not really a negative type of person. It's just that things have been a little off lately and I need a place where I can say what I feel --- I mean, what I REALLY feel and not be judged or crucified for it. I never thought I’d be in a situation like this ever again, it’s not like I didn’t bring this upon myself, but I have had my share of bad experiences due to my inabilit...
Last Tuesday I was out in the pasture with my wife fixing a horse fence. My 4 year old grandson Nicholas was over and wanted to come and help--I said it didn't sound like a good idea for him to come into the pasture (because I have a hard time working on things while keeping an eye on a child in a potentially dangerous situation), but Grandma said it would be fine, so along he came. The 5 minute fix turned into an hour project as I noticed additional problems that we needed to te...
It’s not fair. My wife won’t let me have chickens. Chris Taylor’s wife lets him have chickens so I’m stuck with just my bees and garden. Chris told me awhile back that they’re thinking about getting bees out at their farm. I wonder if my wife will let me get an Emu.