Recent Articles In Handhelds
May 13, 2010 by Kazriko on kazriko
I finally finished this one. It just goes to show how incredibly slow I am at completing games. This one was released in February of last year...  What can you say about DQ? The entire series is considered Casual in Japan, and is the gaming equivalent of comfort food. It has many features that modern rpg gamers consider to be throwbacks and hard, but as a whole the game isn't a huge challenge. The whole series is very, very traditional though. Random battles, turn based gameplay, 2d spri...
December 28, 2007 by Ravenblack on Ravenblack's Grove
I bought Pokemon Diamond to play on my DS earlier this year. I bought it because I was curious what made it so popular among young gamers and why it's a best seller. As much as the game is easy to grasp, the challenge lies in attempting to collect every single Pokemon (a little less than 500 of them) and beating the many wandering and boss characters' Pokemon. Before I realized it, I had put about 30 hours into the game and still had a lot more things to do and monsters to catch and train...
December 11, 2007 by terpfan1980 on My world
Reminder that if you are finding this article in an area that doesn't seem appropriate, Stardock republishes content from their affiliated forums and sites within their own network.  This article was properly posted in the Gaming -> Console Games -> Handhelds area of  If you are not interested in this article, please just move on.  Thanks! I was recently talking with a friend about handheld consoles and from that discussion realized I should probabl...
November 11, 2007 by terpfan1980 on My world
Reminder that if you are finding this article in an area that doesn't seem appropriate, Stardock republishes content from their affiliated forums and sites within their own network.  This article was properly posted in the Gaming -> Console Games -> Handhelds area of  If you are not interested in this article, please just move on.  Thanks! Recently I 'upgraded' from the original Sony PSP handheld to the new 'slimline' PSP 2000 (some call it version ...
October 24, 2007 by terpfan1980 on My world
Reminder that if you are finding this article in an area that doesn't seem appropriate, Stardock republishes content from their affiliated forums and sites within their own network.  This article was properly posted in the Gaming -> Handhelds area of  If you are not interested in this article, please just move on.  Thanks! I recently put up this article: SONY PSP 2000 (or PSP version 2.0) about getting the new model Sony PSP (PSP 2000, aka PSP versi...
October 18, 2007 by terpfan1980 on My world
Reminder that if you are finding this article in an area that doesn't seem appropriate, Stardock republishes content from their affiliated forums and sites within their own network.  This article was properly posted in the Gaming -> Handhelds area of  If you are not interested in this article, please just move on.  Thanks! I got the new PSP today (sold the original that I had on, put the Amazon gift cert credits towards the new version). Got...
January 6, 2007 by mittens on Rawr
Jump to: Introduction :: Upon Release :: DS 2005 :: DS 2006 :: DS 2007+ A Dual-Screened Motivation Earlier this week I had a discussion with my mother about the Nintendo DS when I noticed, in an ad paper, that the DS Lite was being sold for $150 (a price which I recently realized is nothing special). I made the mistake of mentioning that there was a Super Mario Bros. remake and Tetris DS released for the system. It took only a few nanoseconds to get the conversation t...
January 9, 2006 by mittens on Rawr
I saw an opossum today. I was just walking down the sidewalk and the little bugger just jumped out right in front of me -- I kid you not. At first I was just about to step on it, but that was the course of action when I thought it was a big trash bag that blew into the middle of the sidewalk. When I realized that the trash had eyes, which were oddly enough attached to a rodentish head, I realized that this wasn't just any trash bags. It was a trash bag that was starting me down. I halted all...
January 6, 2006 by mittens on Rawr
So, I'll come clean with you -- I didn't actually have anything planned for this list when I started it. I figured, hey, I'll come up with the list as I go! Nothing could possibly go wrong with that! Yeah, turned out I was completely out of ideas for games to take the eighth, seventh, and sixth spots in this ever-so-valued list. And for your information I took an extra five minutes today to contemplate just what order my favoritist games of the year would take in this list (which actually took...
November 19, 2005 by GH33DA on gh33da
Digital distribution of games has existed since BBS systems. And while online shareware did to well for some game development houses, it wasn’t until Valve released Steam that everyone started taking a closer look at digital distribution. Gamers, developers, and publishers all paid attention to the success of Steam. Many are still cautious; however, more have jumped into this digital distribution method. Even this month we have seen two publishers make digital distribution deals. It is most l...
July 11, 2005 by Amitty on Gamer's Unite
as many gaming maniacs probably already know, your PSP can become a expensive tool for oldschool gaming. Most have probably already read or have tried to use Homebrew emulator programs for the Sony PSP. Basically for the newly informed, it is a hack exploit that allows you to boot emulators off the memory stick of your PSP to play emulated NES, SNES, Genesis, and even GBC games from your PSP. Sounds awesome right? Damn straight it is awesome. After spending a few hours downloading roms fro...
To The Powers That Be, I bid you greetings from a homocide scene of a fading memory of my only deZire-to play a friendly game of Zuma. However, I must admit I was ill-prepared for the ensueing grand finale that would prove fatal. I am the only witness to this tragedy and my only evidence is my deceased beloved deZire 71 ;-( Play by play, in hopes of preventing further lost of life. I downloaded Zuma on the hard drive and had zipped it with FlyZip application. I opened Zuma and pro...
February 18, 2005 by iefan on iefan Parade
I think being a slimy lawyer should be fun. Thus I thought about buying this amazing game . Of course I have to wait to it's appearance in the US. All the adventure and excitement of being a lawyer, now in videogame form. Seriously, it’s pretty cool. While Nintendo doesn’t have a release date, the guy at Gamespy got to play a preview of it. You play as Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense lawyer who,for his first case, must clear his friend’s good name (well, it’s notthat good of...