Recent Articles In The Environment » Page 5
July 10, 2007 by Rightwinger on Robsblog
Global Warming is not going as planned; the disastrously rising temperatures and massive environmental catastrophes activists of the environmental left have sobbed and tooted their horns over for twenty-plus years have not emerged. For this reason, "Global Warming" has been re-designated slightly more vague, less-definable verbiage. Perhaps you’ve heard of it; it’s now referred to as "Climate Change". Global Warming is a lie. After Katrina in 2005, GW proponents hysterically predicted increasin...
 I Know! Another article about global warming and Al {chicken little Gore}. But did you know that immense pressure is being put on our educators to show his "fictional" movie about climate change in our schools? This article will be about the amount of JUNK science being promoted by Gore and his followers. The recent book called' The Politically incorrect guide to global warming' by Christopher H. Horner chronicles how the environmentalists are using "an inconvenient Truth' to score p...
Colorado now has 3 ethanol plants, the first in Boulder, the second in Sterling, and the most recent in Yuma county. Thanks to Governor Bill Ritter Colorado is planned for 40 new stations to pump E85 (85% ethanol and 15% unleaded) for 2007. Many support this idea of 'renewable' fuel source as a prized alternative but I'm not so easily convinced. For those who think corn comes from a can this would sound like a great solution to our foreign oil dependence but let's briefly examine this 's...
distinctive problems in the war it started and thats when my income went down and lost a wife from the result and it happened in the gulf war too its my turn to take office and resolve the marriages in the usa and make happy couples and better economics and save the homes in the united states i back the president for protecting the usa and know its time for a top professional to get in office president0707 helped invent the internet microcom in norwood massachusetts the most jobs create in histo...
In the 80's, highway designers and engineers came up with a plan to alleviate America's roads from growing gridlock on our highways. Their idea, at least on paper, was a good one. It was commonly reffered to as the "HOV" lane. HOV stood for high occupancy vehicle. The plan was simple. Build these special roads with a clear path to home or work that could bypass the back-up on the highway. In order to have access to these roads, all anyone had to do was have 3 or more people in the car. ...
My jury is still out on the issues of climate change and alternative energies. And while some things are encouraging, I realize that there is no "magic bullet" that will make all of our climate change, pollution and national security questions, et al, go away in an instant. I, like most, am not an environmental scientist, nor do I play one on TV. So, I, like most, depend on what I read, hear and see to form a viewpoint based more on other's expertise than my own. Unlike some other areas, this...
While the nation argues with itself over what to do or not to do about issues concerning climate change, pollution and our general stwardship of the planet, Delaware has taken a significant step towards energy independence. The 1st State to ratify our Constitution has given the go ahead to put up for a vote, with the full PSC commission, a plan to build the nation's first off shore "wind farm" that would produce from 200 to 300 megawatts of power with as many as 100 turbines. The plan als...
April 4, 2007 by Paladin77 on Masters House
In my short lifetime people have demanded we save the earth for our progeny. The first time I remember was that we needed to reduce the population in order to save recourses for our children. I was indoctrinated to believe that we all needed to have as few children as possible in order to make it possible for our children’s children to survive. I was told in the 1970’s that by the year 2000 we would have six billion people on the planet and that with so many people on the planet there was no wa...
March 11, 2007 by Paladin77 on Masters House
I am watching the movie for the first time and writing as I watch this crap. It starts out with some good self deprecating humor. Then starts with stupid stuff like the atmosphere is thin, so thin that humans can change the atmosphere and our climate. Our atmosphere is 21 miles thick. The picture Mr. Gore shows a little more than the last mile of atmosphere. Our air has weight the air is so heavy that at sea level the air pushes on us with 14.7 pounds of air pressure on every square inch of our ...
February 20, 2007 by Rightwinger on Robsblog
I was listening to a talk radio show last week, and the host was addressing the problems Global Warming whackos are presently having. What with dozens dead across the country from the lengthy blast of frigid, wintry weather, cities buried under snow banks, billions lost in crop revenues ---in California, no less---from a severe cold snap, freezing cold in Florida, etc., it would seem difficult to continue to convince the sheeple of their claims of imminent, superheated climatic doom. The hos...
February 12, 2007 by Paladin77 on Masters House
Yes, it is true that global warming sank the mighty Titanic. If you check the records we had one of the warmest winters in a hundred years causing the ice caps to melt sending huge amounts of ice bergs into the North Atlantic. One of those monster ice cubes then attacked the man made steam ship RMS Titanic sinking it as revenge for man’s assault on the Earth. Ok maybe not exactly like that but close!
February 6, 2007 by Paladin77 on Masters House
Sun's Direct Role in Global Warming May Be Underestimated, Duke Physicists Report Study does not discount the suspected contributions of 'greenhouse gases' in elevating surface temperatures Friday, September 30, 2005 Durham, N.C. -- At least 10 to 30 percent of global warming measured during the past two decades may be due to increased solar output rather than factors such as increased heat-absorbing carbon dioxide gas released by various human activities, two Duke University phy...
November 15, 2006 by Paladin77 on Masters House
This is a truncated version of a book I wrote a few years ago. I think you will get a kick from it. Global warming is a known fact. It has been a fact for over fifty years, yet no one is worried about it because it will take billions of years for global warming to kill the Earth. This is also a known fact. What most people including the scientist have not figured out is that with global warming we will be among the first to die as a species. Some small attention is being raised by the koo...
December 7, 2005 by Dr Guy on A Breath of Sanity
There is an old joke that if God came down tomorrow and said he was going to end the world, the Mainstream media would run a headline "World to End Tomorrow - Women Adversely Affected".  Well, that may not be a mainstream media headline, but that joke is coming true! In what has got to be one of the looniest positions yet advanced about Global Warming, the UN is now discussing how Men are more responsible for global warming, but women suffer more!  You heard that right!  Women ...