Recent Articles In Physics
May 26, 2010 by Leauki on The Leauki Empire
I found this out today after doing some experiments and scientific research. And now I have indisputable proof that the so-called "scientific" theory of gravity is wrong. This includes both common theories, Newton's and Einstein's, and demonstrates the need for a more factual alternative to be taught in schools, in science class, from now on. How do I know that gravity is wrong? Scientists tell us that because of "gravity" planets revolve around the sun. This has never been proven. W...
February 3, 2010 by timbaggins on timbaggins
So I came across this article the other day and it caught my attention because I have always wondered how fast humans can actually run. I know with the advance in science it's only a matter of time before we can genetically engineer a human that can break what limits exist. Check out the article at Wired:
September 23, 2008 by Omegasaxon on Omegasaxon
  Evenin' everyone. I am going to spend however long it takes tonight to blog about <cue:drum roll here> Telekinesis! Alrighty then. I have no idea what to really say or where to actually start, so I will open up with this. It is accepted by the vast majority of everyone that there is no such thing as magic. Magic is myth, stories told, usually hand in hand with dragons, knights, chivalry, and medieval era. However, but al...
September 8, 2008 by MasonM on Who's life is it anyway?
A pretty cool video about the Large Hadron particle accelerator project in Europe. It actually does a pretty decent job of explaining what an accelerator does, in an entertaining way.   YouTube - Large Hadron Rap
Star-Wars: Via satellites, we may be able to manipulate a particular portion of stratosphere and ionosphere over an alien country in such a way that its aerodynamic properties and electromagnetic characteristics (including wireless frequencies) are altered in a significant way -- which is neither anticipated nor programmed into the aerodynamic properties, trajectory and guidance systems of the alien missile. In the result, the missile may never reach its intended target. And if we ar...
August 25, 2006 by relswick on Blog home for Rich Elswick
I enjoyed this National Sciene Geographic (NSG) TV show from a sceintific perspective. Very much fun, although I would have liked less commercials and more analysis on various techniques and weapon forms. New National Geographic documentary
December 15, 2005 by singrdave on Fountain of Useless Information
NIST researchers have demonstrated a minuscule atomic clock with inner workings about the size of a grain of rice and potential applications in atomically precise timekeeping in portable, battery-powered devices for secure wireless communications, more precise navigation, and other applications. The "physics package" of the clock, believed to be the smallest in the world, is about 1.5 millimeters on a side and about 4 millimeters tall, consumes less than 75 thousandths of a watt, and has a...
August 31, 2005 by Sturgee on Yada Yada Yada
Okay, this is going to be a bit of a long entry. Like many people, I'm a little concerned about the price of gas/oil these days. There are lots of ideas as to exactly why this is happening, and the why of it all isn't really pertinent to my entry, so I'll leave that for a different thread at another time. Anyway, I was discussing the current situation with Marcus Aurelius, a co-worker of mine, and I mentioned that things are just going to get worse as China continues to develop economica...
I heard on recently on NPR an interesting discussion about a major split allegedly taking place among Greens and other environmentalists on the issue of nuclear power. It seems that a lot of the former rabidly anti-nuke types are now starting to realize that nukes may offer a way out of global warming, which could kill us all as well, along with the majority of other mamalian and avian species on the planet. This is hardly news to those who have paid attention to the science. The intervi...
June 23, 2005 by ----- on ------------------
The most famous physicist and scientist in the world, Stephen Hawking, was born in Oxford England on January 8th,1942. His parents originally lived in London, but since world war II was still being waged, they thought it better to live in Oxford. Later they moved to St. Albans where he went to Saint Albans School, then to University College, Oxford, which was the college his father attended. While there, Hawking wanted to enroll in mathematics, but his father thought otherwise. Unfortunately...
May 20, 2005 by stutefish on Overheard...
Let's say you had a working Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM)[1]. What are you going to do with it? Work? Sorry, no. Work means overcoming resitance. If there was no resistance, you wouldn't call it work, and it would already be doing itself. The moment you connect that PMM to the drivetrain of your car, or the main winch of that construction crane, or the electric motor at the heart of a power generator, you need to put more energy into the system. Once you give the PMM resistance to ...