Recent Articles In Ethics
November 1, 2011 by BoobzTwo on We the People - Revisited
Personally I like the Book of Genesis as it makes an interesting read if one is into strange fantasy.  In The beginning there was either nothing or something depending on your point of view. It is strange but let’s take a look at the nothing concept first:   DAY 1: In The beginning there was nothing but darkness and out of the darkness came the One God who always was … in the darkness? Well eventually God became tired (?) of the darkness after however long and decided to...
October 30, 2011 by BoobzTwo on We the People - Revisited
Wherever you think man came from is fine with me, but man from his inception was corporeal and as such was only privy to what his senses could perceive (and much later his instrumentation) … of the real world (universe). In order for there to be any coexistence between varieties of people (like more than one), a vernacular had to be (and was) established. Humans having no known extrasensory functions, established our language around those things we knew to exist (or existed) and are (were...
The Internet is full of haters. Haters hate. Nothing you can do. But what has surprised me over the years is seeing cliques of haters. That is, specific groups of people who are friends who get off on trying make someone else miserable.  It’s a stunning thing to see on message boards I lurk on from time to time. I’m on the plane now lurking on various gaming and tech forums and I just feel disgusted when I see what is a reasonably organized effort to harm some other forum goer for wha...
October 9, 2010 by jesseledesma on preserving life
Most of us who do not abuse drugs pay the bills for those who do abuse drugs. Long term abuse of alcohol and drugs has serious health consequences. Whether an addict ends up in a private or public hospital, we have to pay for them. Therefore, I think we have more then the right to have an opinion. I know the psychological parameters of addiction. People use drugs to cope with pain and suffering. People use drugs because of the pleasure they receive by being in a social drug using environment...
May 10, 2010 by Audiafox on Five Seconds of Fame
   I've recently been wondering what is going through the minds of US society today.  On one hand, 90% or more of the US population believes that evolution and abiogenesis was responsible for how human life came about, and believes that survival of the fittest is optimal for evolutionary progess.    Yet on the other hand, we have left liberal left, backed by a majority of the US, which wants to save the little guy from a lot of heartache, when 90% of the time the litt...
March 18, 2010 by lulapilgrim on lulapilgrim
A certain self-styled Protestant whom I’ll call “Deleter” thinks it’s OK to make false claims against the Catholic Church and Catholicism while at the same time insists upon no rebuttal from me by deleting my comments.
August 20, 2009 by judah528 on judah528
I have some friends that play professional blackjack . They travel around the country going in and out of casinos gambling with the best of them. I have wondered for a while whether this is a morally legitimate business. My friends are always playing under the umbrella of a different personality in hopes to never be black listed from any casino worth playing at. Being a blackjack player with other people's money certainly does have it benefits. Traveling to Atlantic city and Las Vegas stayng...
March 8, 2009 by SplitPeaSoup on Nature Versus Ethical
Have you ever considered the idea that, in the end, the world is a fair place? Karma exists. Good things happen to good people and vice versa. Hard work results in achievement. Well, I have. And I reached a difficult conclusion: In the end, the world is much more complex than that. Why? Because the world is run by chaos. Can you think of a single sinister character in history books or fiction who was born, lived a happy, fulfilling, and satisfying life, and then died happily? No, of course no...
February 23, 2009 by adnauseam on News From The Begging Bowl
Guantanamo Bay and its comings and goings don't shock me in the least. It is a prison of exraordinary ruthlessness overseen mainly by the CIA and the British MI5. It is also a prison wrought by fear and harsh punishment. The fear emanates from the shocking and traumatic events of 9/11. The harsh punishment is retribution for any person who dare attack the United States. Don't get me wrong. Retribution of some sort is necessary for such a heinous deed. The methods of retribution worry me. A...
November 7, 2008 by Moderateman on Ramblings of A Twisted Mind
I have already begun to see some Republicans start to denounce President-Elect Obama, before he takes office. This is what the Liberal loons did to Bush! I personally will not behave that way and think that right minded Conservatives should take a wait and see approach stance to the next four years or else they will be behaving just like the Liberal lunatics did with Bush, Hated him for no reason; poison filled hatred at that! I personally do not ever want to emulate a LIBERAL even on this sc...
October 13, 2008 by messiah1 on messiah1
Ok.  I'm a meat eater, I love it.  Nothing tops a good steak in my book.  My wife, she has sworn off meat in favor of a vegan lifestyle.  No animal byproducts if she can help it.  Which is hard if you look at the ingredients of things.  I try to be supportive, but something that causes intense "discussion" between us is this.  Is it morally wrong to eat animals?  What makes it wrong? Is a vegan a better human because they don't eat meat?  Why?...
Affirmative Action A.K.A. give minorities a much better chance at getting the job; getting into the school; getting the much needed scholarship; getting the loan; getting the raise; getting the elevation in job status and on and on all because they are what? Black, Latino or some other than white minority EXCEPT A JEW OF COURSE, SOMEHOW JEWS DO NOT COUNT AS A MINORITY when it comes to affirmative action! But I digress. This of course is racism pure and simple, much like the racism of the firs...
They call Guantanamo Bay Rumsfeld's baby. Rumsfeld has been proven to be a fool who could not decide what a WMD is.Rumsfeld was also the man who dithered while Iraq burnt. He had no plan, no after-invasion infrastructure logistics in hand and , worst of all, he had no idea how he was going to handle any situation, except by trigger. Rumsfeld was/is an asshole, in American speak. This command of his was like asking Yogi Bear to organise the Olympics because he knew how to swim. As...
June 10, 2008 by rabidrobot on rabidrobot XTreme!
from Take the Ethical I.Q. Test! A quasi-Cosmo-quiz. Answer thirty-five hypothetical ethical questions, and find out your score! Which would be the more grievous offense? Staining a Pretty Blue Dress Creating a Secret Propaganda Campaign to Manufacture a False Case for War Against Iraq Which would be the more pardonable transgression? Falsely, Systematically, and with Criminal Intent Conflating the Attacks of September 11, 2001, With Misrepresentation of Iraq as a S...
May 14, 2008 by OckhamsRazor on Ock's World
I suppose it's somewhat ironic that I'm placing this article in Philosophy->Ethics, but perhaps you'll bear with me to see why.   Let's face something, folks - there's a big debate, on these forums, and just about everywhere else, about what should be taught in a science classroom and what should not.  I have one real problem with the argument from both sides - it is emotionally based.  I find absolutely no use for emotion when discussing something that is "supposedly" sc...