Recent Articles In International
August 20, 2022 by Iben on Iben's blog site
Here is the challenge, watch any 24 hour news channel non ad content for 30 seconds without getting angry. I failed the challenge so I stopped watching it 11 years ago. Tell us was it possible for you?  
March 20, 2022 by Iben on Iben's blog site
The current events in Europe make me feel angry and embarrassed to be a human being. Anyone have any thoughts they would like to share?
November 26, 2019 by admiralWillyWilber on michaelwhittaker71
My understanding is they want to become like the United States of America, but in all honestly it began with a perfect storm, and the reaction to it. Napoleon Bonaparte, our reaction to this was to try to break Britians, and Frances economies by not trading with Europe. The reason this didn't blow up in our faces. Is we industrialised. A possible reproduction of this for east African would first make sure you could grow the food to support isolation. Then bring in the people who are trained in ...
October 15, 2014 by Leauki on The Leauki Empire
This year the state of Israel has (finally) recognised the Aramaean nationality . This is likely the first recognition of the existence of the Aramean nation since antiquity outside religious recognition of their several churches (including by the Ottoman government). Israel has now done for the Aramaeans what it has done to the Jews before and recognised a secular existence of a nation; even though, ironically, it was a religious leader, Father Gabriel Nadaf, who was the driving force behin...
August 27, 2014 by bahuvirupaksha1 on bahu
Even as John Foley, the American journalist was being beheaded by the Syrian jehadi militants, the world woke up to the startling fact that several of the militants associates with the ISIS are white men from USA, UK, Scandinavia and even Russia. USA has been doing everything in its power to help the jehadi forces gather strength and move towards establishing their stranglehold  over Sunni Arab states. The refrain that is being heard from Washington that ISIS is beyond anything "we have ev...
August 10, 2014 by bahuvirupaksha1 on bahu
Israel has shocked the world with the savage violence it has unleashed against the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, a thin sliver of land with an area of 365 square kilometers.  Nearly 2 million people crowd that strip making it one of the most densely populated areas of the world. And Israel has been bombing the civilian sectors of the Gaza Strip for the past three weeks without any letup. The death toll has crossed 1200 already and is climbing. The fact that Bar...
July 21, 2014 by bahuvirupaksha1 on bahu
The State of Israel owes its origin to the crimes of the Europeans, the Germans who massacred around 6 million Jews during the last two years of the Second World War. Of course this horrendous crime had to be expiated and the Americans and the British made the Palestinians pay for the crimes of their fellow white men. Israel is fast losing the sympathy it has rightly won for its several outstanding achievements: its civic programme, its educational institutions, its fairly successful practice o...
July 1, 2014 by bahuvirupaksha1 on bahu
Playing the Game of Thrones in the real world is not easy and USA is finding it increasingly difficult to be relevant in the Asian region. I do not want to use the label Asia-Pacific Region as the very term legitimates US domination or attempted hegemony over a part of the globe which is increasing feeling uneasy with US ambitions. The misguided and some would even say illegal war launched against Iraq has now led to the worst humanitarian crisis is the contemporary world and added to this is t...
June 19, 2014 by bahuvirupaksha1 on bahu
The steady and relentless march of ISIS fighters toward Baghdad is proof that Barack Obama's policy of "no boots on the ground" has fallen apart and he is left with few options. Indeed one can say that Barack Obams has been reduced to a mere on looker as Iran seizes the opportunity to bring about a semblance of stability in a region which has been utterly devastated by the ill advised US  intervention. The  fact is that the Government of al Malaki has been waging a covert war agai...
During the course of the last fortnight alone, the international press has reported at least 4 instances of unarmed civilians being gunned down by a heavily armed gunman. This kind of killing is on the increase and though I do not have the statistics to prove it, i venture to suggest that economic uncertainty is causing a good deal of turbulence in American society. The killing of 12 people who had gathered to watch the Dark Knight Rises at Aurora, Arizona, and more recently the shooting o...
A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books Elizebeth Eisenstein in her study entitled The Printing Press as an Agent of Change argued that it was the availability of knowledge across class lines that paved the way for the great changes that we now associate with the Industrial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution. The printed book was empowering because it broke the monopoly of the clerical and the warrior groups to literacy and in the eighteenth century we see the...
April 4, 2011 by cassiangrey on cassiangrey
I've had far too many thoughts roaming around in my head lately.  Most of them are useless, in so far as that I can't do anything with them.  The terrible part is that they're driving me crazy; keeping me up at night or just breaking my train of thought.  A few nights ago I couldn't sleep at all because I was busy writing my Presidential acceptance speech.  Then when I was through with that I developed a revolutionary international law. Here's how it goes (remember...
February 24, 2011 by BoobzTwo on We the People - Revisited
What are conspiracy theories and from whence do they come? My Father was quite (?) intelligent (in a drunken sort of stupor) always answering the most questions on Jeopardy and such … but he went to the grave with the firm belief that we never landed on the moon …. There were NO arguments or ‘proof’ that he would accept … and I just could not understood … until later in my life. Conspiracy theories ( if not just politically motivated ) are like le...
February 2, 2011 by scatter629 on scattersez
Here's the thing: How can you really expect  an 82-year old , 30-year dictator to make a good decision? Clearly, the generous Egyptian souls out there (and there are many) should take heed and do everything possible to keep him out of harm's way for the rest of his dictatorial days. The only safe place for him is out of Egypt. There's Dubai, Doha, Bahamas, (Hawaii?) and a lot of other dictator-friendly islands that could use the cash and take him. Take an ambulance ( in fact, sever...
February 1, 2011 by terpfan1980 on My world
Back in slightly older days, when there was a Clueless Old Liberal infesting this site (always crowing that Bush was to blame for everything. Every. Stinkin. Thing.) and President Bush was in office dealing with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq we heard some discussion that thanks to the wars in both places we would be seeing Democracies popping up in the middle East as others in the surrounding countries would get to witness democracy in action in those countries and would in turn desire it for...