Reading has become increasingly dependent on technology. The book under review by the celebrated historian Professor Robert Darnton is an interesting analysis of the ways in which the advent of digital technology has changed the reading practices of people. The joy of reading the printed book cannot be experienced by one reading the most thrilling novel on kindle. The sight and smell of a book is a delightful experience and only those who savour the joy of reading can understand what...
Georgia, a tiny Christian kingdom, lying on the border of the expanding and fiercely Shia Safavid Empire, was conquered by Shah Abbas I the Safavid ruler snd the captured queen was brought in chains to Isfahan where according to Augustinian sources she was imprisoned for 11 years. Shah Abbas i gave her the unenviable choice between death or life in his harem and the valiant queen chose martyrdom. Her son Teimuraz, for whose safety and protection, the Queen offered herself as hostage to the Safa...
When the twentieth century looks back on its past and tries to locate the intellectuals who strove to make sense of the past in a meaningful way, then the names of Marc Bloch, Fernand Braudel, E J Hobsbawm, Georges Duby and Jacques Le Goff will crop up. With the exception of Hobsbawm all the others belonged to a school of historical thought, reflection and method which is generally referred to as the Annales School. While there is considerable disagreement between different historians on ...
Education Student indoctrination: Celebrate Columbus Day by putting him on trial Bob Kellogg ( Friday, October 11, 2013 Just in time for Columbus Day, a left-wing education group is offering a lesson plan which has students putting Christopher Columb...
こういう没実践的[#「没実践的」に傍点]・個人主義的[#「個人主義的」に傍点]・な哲学を刺激している最後の背景は、無論、その特色ある著しい宗教的意識[#「宗教的意識」に傍点]である。西田哲学に於て、それ自身には理論的に至極透明である処の神秘主義[#「神秘主義」に傍点]は、恰もこの意識を、すでに前に云った諸条件の下に哲学的に直接に翻案したものに相当するだろう。人々は知っている、行とか愛とかを振り回わす宗教的意識が一般に、事実上如何に非実践的で個人主義的であり得るかを、又結果に於て如何に逃避的で利己的でもあり得るかを。 だが今迄云った一切のことにも拘らず、西田哲学自身にとってはこの哲学は少しも観念論ではないのである。観念論は事物をノエマの側に於て見る場合の一例である。夫は事物をイデア[#「イデア」に傍点]の観念的展開として把握して了う(ヘーゲル)。だがそうかと云って、無論西田哲学は唯物論でもない、唯物論も亦事物をノエマの側に於て見ることしか知らない、その点では観念論と同じである。ただイデアの代りに物質[#「物質」に傍点]が、ノエマ的有として、事物の根柢に横たえられるに外ならない(マルク...
Christopher Columbus' Jewish Roots Examined By Historians Posted: 05/22/2012 10:36 am Updated: 05/22/2012 10:36 am Over five centuries after the famed explorer's death, historians are taking a fresh look at what motivated Christopher Columbus to make his voyage across the Atlantic -- and how his faith may have played into those motivations. Some scholars, after analyzing Columbus' will and other docu...
Today, at the JCS of Ann Arbor, I was privileged to take part in a reenactment of the Ellis Island experience, as follows: For millions of immigrant families, Ellis Island represented the last hurdle that needed to be overcome on the long journey to America. Ellis Island was a place of hope for, after long and often difficult struggles, the New World was in sight; but at the same time, it was a place of fear and desperation, because individuals or families could be refused admittance and sent b...
You will have to decide which dating chat sites is the most effectual. The same concept works with doing it whenever this scaled down quite well. I hate to rain on your parade but it is vital to understand the risks. You should know this I cannot endorse that dandy aim. That is the way things are in my final analysis. free dating websites has been quite durable although the choice is all yours. I still hadn't found anyone to tell me in reference to my trait. Is there anywhere else work cre...
Early Days (1854-1892) 1854 - Vuitton opens his first store in Paris on Rue Nueve des Capucines, founding Louis Vuitton Malletier a paris. Before his quality trunks, French philosopher, Denis Diderot & Jean Le Rond d'Alembert makes mention of a Malletier and his techniques about 140 years earlier. (1713-1784) Vuitton began by selling flat-topped trunks that were lightweight and airtight. All trunks before this had rounded tops for water to run off and thus could not be stacked, it was Vu...
On the surface, one would think that US President Warren Harding and Philippine President Joseph Estrada have nothing in common. Looking into their biographies, however, one would be able to notice similarities with these two men. The most obvious similarity is that their terms were cut short. Both served less than three years of their terms. The only difference was that Harding died in office while Estrada was removed from office by a revolt. A closer look into their biographies would sh...
I have often heard the claim that darwin disavoed evolution on his deathbed, so often that I actually assumed it to have happened. Although recently it occurered to me to look further into the subject. A female evangelist, Elizabeth Hope aka Lady Hope, has published the following; proclaiming darwin has rescinded his scientific beleifs and accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and saviour at his deathbed. It was one of those glorious autumn afternoons, that we sometimes enjo...
I just ordered Tamazight (Berber language) study software. Apparently it runs on Mac OS X and Windows. It's from 2003. Tamazight is the language (or one of the languages) of the Amazigh people, the indigenous people of North-Africa west of Egypt. It is spoken in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, some areas in western Egypt, Mali, and Niger. A dialect of Tamazight (Tuareg) is a national language of Niger (official language is English). It is also since protests in 2001 a national language o...
Driving home, listening to the talking heads I heard a discussion about the origins of Thanksgiving. One suggested that it was a secular fall holiday. The other that is was driven by religious undertones. Compelling arguments were given by both sides but I think the religious argument won. The guy arguing that point read the 1777 Continental Congress proclamation (God, and even Jesus invoked), George Washington proclamation from 1789 and others which pretty much sealed i...
With the election over and Barak Obama our President-elect, it is our duty as patriotic Americans to do all we can do to help him succeed! In this day of technology, perhaps we can learn a thing or two from two of our greatest inventors and two of their contemporary poets. It was of course Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone. It has proved to be one of the greatest most used inventions of all times. Little did he know that one day his invention would evolve into cell pho...
Today is Veterans day, today is but one day when we pay homage to our veterans, I pay homage to those that came before me and those that came after me. I pay respect to those that did not come home, those that came home part way, those that came home with pieces of them not there anymore. I pay and pray for those that live under bridges and are broken mentally because of what they did or saw. The way America treats her veterans is disgraceful! America should be ashamed of herself for su...