Recent Articles In JoeUser Site Issues
December 12, 2016 by Tova7 on Life_In_The_Blurbs
I can post articles, but for some reason I can't comment on any articles including my own.  I tried Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer.  Any suggestions?   Thanks!    Tova
December 23, 2011 by damitman on damitman
Although I've not yet posted on this site per this account, I find that the tags "news-history-conspiracy" show up quite un-solicited.  Such would be fine by me were it not for the emerging science that has made algorithms the 'controlled' search of today.  Tags are a fading option and rendered largely innefective by such.  I do not mind the help and will be at it in time thank you.  i just can't get to a point of dedication until New Hampshire probably, as a...
April 3, 2011 by cassiangrey on cassiangrey
Been away for a while.  Kinda of failing on my projects and operation.  I had an awesome animated gif but this site doesn't take uploaded photos.
July 24, 2009 by mrboo on wrestling2k
As most of here know I have been blogging in Joeuser for almost 6 years now, and I was inactive for last two years and I see a lot of changes on Joeuser, what exactly happend to points system? Previously every user use to carry some points beneath his name, now no such things are found under the user name, have they dropped it? I can see the Rankings, but again no clue whats the point difference between our blog and blog above us, is the measure of calculation hidden now to user? is it onl...
July 13, 2009 by nxhcgm on JoeUser Forums
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