Recent Articles In Philosophy » Page 2
March 18, 2011 by bobotaro on Kazuya Akimoto Art 365+
Kazuya Akimoto Art Museum   "The Death of Socrates": ancient Greek famous philosopher's tragic death scene painting, complementary colors expressionism portrait, expressionist method, green and red, yellow and blue color contrasts, classical literature theme, contemporary acrylic painting #9446, 2011 | Kazuya Akimoto Art Museum   named and added to gallery #1 ,2011  at Kazuya Akimoto Art Museum     " The Death of Socrates...
October 11, 2010 by taltamir on soviet-overlords
Ever wanted to know "what is the meaning of life?"? Well, wonder no more. Put simply, it is a grammatical aberration, a case of really bad syntax. Ask yourself "what is the meaning of sand" or "what is the meaning of tree" and you would realize how silly it is. Whenever someone hears the question they automatically correct it into a valid question, such as: For what purpose did god create life? For what purpose was I born? What purpose do living organisms serve? Wh...
October 11, 2010 by taltamir on soviet-overlords
Ever wondered what the answer is to the question "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" Well, wonder no more. There are two answers, which one you accept depends on your world-view. For the creationist: God created chickens in Genesis, not eggs, chickens. He created fully formed men, animals, fish, plants, etc, all adult. Thus the chicken came first. Could it have been an inaccuracy and god actually created eggs instead? well, no... because chicken eggs die unless they are incu...
August 5, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling on American Life
    Everyone should have an unchanging place. A place where time has no hold, where memories can flourish EXACTLY as you remember them. A place where the laughter of childhood resonates through your veins the very moment you arrive. Some people are lucky in that their parent’s home can be this unchanging place, if they have been in the same home for a long time. Even then, it is hard because rooms get painted and bathrooms get remodeled. It is hard to find your unchangin...
June 13, 2009 by vivaldis on JoeUser Forums
Germany Approves New 'Bad Bank'   The German cabinet has approved a "bad bank" scheme to enable the country's regional banks to remove toxic assets from their balance sheets. Berlin wants the country's seven troubled regional banks to consolidate into three by next year. Under the plan, a new federal agency would take their toxic debt in exchange for sustainable business plans. Germany established a similar bad bank for the country's private lenders earlier this yea...
Danny Platt confessed, told police where to find the child's body and will be booked with first-degree murder of Ja' Shawn Powell, Danny Platt Murdered his 2 and 1/2 year old child to avoid paying child support, how sick is this? this happened in New Orleans and city that should have been destroyed by Katrina. Platt has long said he would kill either his wife or his child if ordered to pay child support, his wife is in hiding now after the horrendous death of Ja' Shawn. Can any of you pare...
December 3, 2008 by Moderateman on Ramblings of A Twisted Mind
The Main Stream Media seems to agree with Congressman John the mouth Murtha when he maintains that his older constituents are "racists" and "rednecks". Of course, Murtha is older himself so if the shoe fits, wear it John. They got this idea from the Chicago Tribune, which ran an article pointing out that senior citizens are biologically bent toward bigotry. The article was titled "Older Voters Racial Bias May Have Medical Reasons" {what a crock}!!! The Tribune Claimed "For very basic physiolo...
November 26, 2008 by Paul Bourne on paul-bourne
An examination of the relationship between public expenditure on social programmes and levels of development               Paul Andrew Bourne, 2006         Department of Government Faculty of Social Sciences University of the West Indies Mona Campus Kingston, Jamaica     TABLE OF CONTENTS       Page   CHAPTER 1: INTROD...
November 26, 2008 by Paul Bourne on paul-bourne
          The positives:   A content (or Textual) Analysis of an address to nation by [Former] Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Most Hon. P. J. Patterson on Sunday March 21, 2004             By         Paul Andrew Bourne           The Department of Community Health and Psychi...
November 26, 2008 by Paul Bourne on paul-bourne
      Paul Andrew Bourne     ALBERT EINSTEIN - WAS HE CORRECT . . . ?       Introduction Albert Einstein, the renowned physict and pioneer in his contributions of natural phenomena to the natural sciences, in an attempt to display his academic prowess and show the scope of his ‘ideashanal’ made a sweeping position statement on economics that reads “The economic a...
November 26, 2008 by Paul Bourne on paul-bourne
  PAUL ANDREW BOURNE       INTRODUCTION                             Culture has three major tenets, and these are: ‘technological’, ‘sociological’ and ‘ideological’ (Bourne, 2006; Thomlinson, 1965)   Political Sciences cannot be viewed...
November 26, 2008 by Paul Bourne on paul-bourne
Paul Andrew Bourne   University of the West Indies, Mona Campus Kingston 7 St. Andrew , Jamaica West Indies     INTRODUCTION       It was during the unprecedented social upheavals in Europe that the formal study of sociology emerged as a discipline to explain social phenomena.   The industrialization of topologies at th...
November 11, 2008 by Peace4Future on A MESSAGE OF HOPE
  The stage is set by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme For many years We, your Elder Brothers, have warned men of the dangers of blindly following market forces which, themselves, are blind. Thus, the present widespread economic and financial crisis should not be unexpected. The 'bubble' created by competition and greed had, inevitably, to burst. Yet the 'men of money' who built this towering edifice on shifting sands are stunned by the outcome, are at a loss to...
October 18, 2008 by Paul Bourne on paul-bourne
                                                   Source:   National Park Service Photograph     SEPARATISM, RACISM, AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION: THE BLACK THINKER : An examination of W. E. Du Bois’ Life &n...
October 8, 2008 by Nequa on myuser
I was watching law and order and two of its episodes started to make me think. One was about a man how stole money from his company and then killed his partner how found out what he was doing, But it was reviled that he was giving it to a charity in Iseral (sorry if I spelld it wrong), another one was about a mother hows fire fighter husband left her for his dead friends widow (how got money for her husband death during 9/11), which caused her to kill his new wife. Some times, the righ...