Recent Articles In Marital Issues
October 28, 2010 by Misunderstood-man on misunderstood
    Hello.  One of the reasons I joined this site was to get some outside opinions on a subject that my wife and I are currently going threw.  These are tough times in my home and this problem is really hindering my relationship with my wife.  So I am asking for help and opinions with this matter.      So about 5 months ago my wife gets a phone call from my friends wife saying that my wife slept with her husband and continued to chew her out whi...
Are you having an affair or are you thinking about having one? I'm aiming this short blog at men but  some of the rules apply to women too. It takes two to have an affair remember! Recently a close member of my family had an affair and the result has proved to be heart-breaking, soul-searching and resulted in fragile attempts to keep the marriage together. Some marriages survive affairs-others don't. Some loving partners get over it and get on with their lives. Some don't. It tak...
I've been thinking alot about marriages lately.  Maybe it's because of this latest infidelity involving our NY Governor.  Where is the commitment level?  Did you see the pain and shame on the Governor's wife's face?  Can you imagine what's going through his children's minds?  Marriage, has been under attack these last so many years and I'm wondering what we can do about it.  Families are hurting.  Children are feeling abandoned and lost.  S...




You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.

-- Alan, age 10



No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.

-- Kristen, age 10




Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.

-- Camille, age 10

The smell of your skin Is still in my sheets So when I duck under covers I am forced to face Your feeble pleasebabychildplease promise Luckily Teddy and I Doused on cologne To soak you up Wash out your half assed few and far between days We can't seem to get out the stain That sweet memory left Fuck you and your pretty promise That I bought into Take your damn John Mayer Your false ideaologies Your beautiful face Pleas...
December 19, 2007 by new-age nomad on vitalbs
Of course there was always the desire to be with him, as far as that would carry her. She wanted him to breath only her scent and for his needs to be met by her presence alone. Whether it was caused by nature or environment, she wanted what everyone wanted: to call the person she saw as perfection and loved with a heart that he invented... her very own... and for him to feel the same way. But, beyond that...more than that...she wanted to crawl inside of him, live inside of him, be him. She wa...
I was watching Hogan Knows Best , that reality show with Hulk Hogan and his family on VH1. The episode they showed was a repeat, one I kinda saw but didn't really watch in detail because of channel surfing. In the episode Hulk and his wife Linda are going through a bumpy road in their marriage and seeing a marriage counselor. Hulk said to the counselor that there have been times when they have had arguments and have said to each other that "maybe they should go their separate ways, get a ...
April 29, 2007 by Poison5 on Poisonous?
I found these pictures quite amusing, it reflects what happens in some marriages today. Before Marriage - The fun and games are great After Marriage - The fun goes out the door!
April 22, 2007 by Sugar High Elf on I live Faerie
No, I haven't seen the show, and this isn't a review of it. I'll probably watch it when it comes on TV, but I don't think it's started yet. Instead, I saw a preview for it, and it got me thinking. At one point, the man who has ditched Debra Messing says to her, "I'm falling in love with you all over again." and she looks back at him and says, "You had your chance." A few shots later, she's laying in bed with a sad, yet triumphant look on her face. Something about that face got to m...
February 8, 2007 by Joan of Arc on Joan's Jousts and Jests
I have just been catapulted from the delight of delusion to the ruins of reality. The fog lifted like a two by four on the side of my incredibly thick skull and I find myself in the midst of a self forged disaster. No one to blame this time, it was totally my fault. Faced with the unenviable responsibility of informing my loved ones and colleges of my indiscretion, I pick up the phone and begin making the necessary calls. Of course, I expect the worse. “YOU WHAT???? ARE YOU SOME KIND O...
I guess in a case such as this, breaking up is hard to do. It’s been reported on MSN Money that many couples instead of divorcing and living separate lives have chosen to stay together, not for the kids sake really but because it’s better for their financial status. Sometimes because of the health benefits from the health insurance, and especially because it would cost a lot less to run one household instead of two. Some couples are also not too keen on what happens when people g...
I cannot believe about the news that a have read in the Filipino newspapers that amother give birth accidentally to a 3 months premature baby. That girl never know or feel that she was pregnant for 6 months at that time. "UNBELIEVABLE, I CANT IMAGINE",because she was already a mother of her 3 kids and she is not already her first baby. She was explained in the article that she was about to take a bath after a hard days of work as a domestic helper in a chinesse family at hongkong when she ...
August 26, 2006 by j_h_e_n26 on welcome!!!
Before loving others, you have to start lovin yourself...because no one can ever love you the way you want to be loved.
August 24, 2006 by warsein on I LOVE alinyaung
My light.......My love...........and...My life...... I love " light" so much and I can't stay without " light " And I ever hope " light " will love me back . When I miz her smile............... When I miz her fergerance.............. When I miz her sweet lips.............. I sing the song ~ Where'd You Go ~ ~ Wher...
August 23, 2006 by MyLoveBytes on
The following blog is from author Ellen Rosner Feig: Soon after it became clear to me that my 17 year marriage was truly over, I began to reach out to others who were going through separation and divorce. I have never found support groups to be of much benefit as they tend (and this is simply my experience) to become whine-fests filled with complaints, unresolved anger and pity. So instead of spending evenings on hard backed chairs listening to sad tales of lost love, I began to chat up ...