A dumpster fire within a dumpster fire
Has More To Do With Healthcare
June is now officially LGBT Pride Month
Just chalk it right up with the others
Well, that is, great Orators of the Past
I Didn't Think So Until Today
Oh, about that 'largest middle class tax increase in history...'
Osoma Bin Laden's driver and the Mastermind of Sept. 11
Obearma The Bear is Hungry-Feed Him Now!
as you take and take and take some more
Black – African American could become the President of the United States of America; the same country that had earlier re-elected George Bush as the President!
F*** You, Courtesy of Democrats
More "Uniting" from Pelosi
LIberals show their True Humanity
How to sell Nothing and make it look like something big
Petraeus Speaks At the Heritage Foundation
Involves Taking An Asprin