He is the worst of the worst
The first blog entry with President Obama jokes!
He should tell her to shove it!
Because race is playing a big part in this campaign
At least with regards to West Virginia primary
Poor strategy cost her dearly
Is this prolonged race part of a grander plan?
... and comes up smelling pretty badly
a Great, Catchy. Campaign poster!
Not necessarily in that order
Why is Reverend Wright doing what he is doing?
Obama and Clinton and scorched earth
How can we trust them to fight Terrorists?
Obama's race police now on patrol
Or any of the candidates for that matter
People are not as blind as you think they are.
Stick a fork in him, he is done
Income redistribution at its best!
NBA teams enter into the immigration debate.
Obama Says, Send ME the Bill!
After I Get My Free Tax Refund