That is probably me to a ''T''
It's time for a few small repairs she said.
Caution: Lifesaver may contain nuts.
Facts that became forgotten...
They are more evil than Credit Card Companies.
You learn something new everyday... But is it the truth?
A little humor in our day can go a long way.
You Are The Weakest Link... Good Bye!
Why are the majority of mountain bikes still using V-brakes?
The Good News Is- I'm Paying For It!
It's all how you say it...
A.K.A. What my blog site will probably be including.
Too much? Is that possible?
(Gee, I'm unique now, just like everyone else!)
A first hand view on the drug trade...
AKA I'm so far behind and it's only Day 5!
Life Christian Church Missions Trip
How many people can you cram into one cubical?
Should Authors Who Win Writing Contests Allow Their Entries to Be Published?