May He Rest In Peace With God
note to McCain Supporters
Monkeys Fly out of Butt! Film at 11.
Thoughts on elections, government, and life.
Anything But The Truth Will Do!
or; more President Bush quotes.
or; former senator drops bid.
or; I hope this tool doesn't get the nomination.
The choice is ours to make ... for now!
Olny in America you say … Hardly!
not about partisanship or philosophies...Cheney is out of control and drunk with power
Michael Bloomberg (I) for President?
really, you have a chance here
a painful debate for some, especially the viewer
I believe in coincidences, I just don't trust them...
WE can see his glaring Mistakes
Bush and his ilk have no guiding principles
candidate accepts donations from Swiftboat Chairman John O'Neill
Be careful what you wish for ...
libertarian polls strong after debate, which pisses off Sean Hannity and his cronies...
will this get blamed on Hillary Clinton too?
my review of the 1st republican presidential debate.
we, the people are your boss. and we have demanded our withdrawal from Iraq...
I was young, naive and inexperienced.
The Liberalist Doctrine for IRAQ
Ron Paul visits Bill Maher on Realtime w/ Bill Maher
The current naivety ISSUE
Presidential hopeful, Ron Paul storms into New Hampshire...
president 2008 candidate stephen d macmillan there was a sword in my case
the writings of johnny pain
inventer of the internet norwood it will be the start of a new technology world and lift the economy out slump with me in office