Most of us have at least one spot on our bodies that we would like to change- commonly referred to as the “problem area” that we go out of way to spend extra time at the gym toning. However, you can’t concentrate all of your fat loss into one body area and lose nothing from another. Our body doesn’t work that way because it’s all one unit and it gains as loses fat as one unit says liposuction San Diego specialist. Most women that undergo arm San Diego lipo ar...
I spent the morning with my husband who had knee surgery. That was fun. NOT. He's been in pain for more than a year and a half with what we now know for sure was a miniscus tear in his left knee from a half marathon he did back along in Virginia. We heard about this National Training Center in Clarmont which is about an hour from our house. This place came highly recommended so we decided it was time to get the ol' knee taken care of since his running came...
October 08, 2008 So, to wrap this up, I got several thousand more dollars from the QME evaluation. I don't know if all the prep, bringing my friend as a witness, etc., helped, but it probably didn't hurt. The process overall did not seem very objective, and the award, as always with Workman's Comp, covered a small fraction of the actual damage, disability, pain and suffering - but I did get further medical as needed. However, for those others in my position, this e...
#10 Bruce Jenner. 58-year-old Bruce Jenner has made a lot of changes in his life since winning that gold medal at the 1976 Summer Olympics. Yes, these days it's difficult to look at before-and-after pictures of the former track star without shaking a fist up towards God and screaming, Why! Why! Why! I try not to judge the American icon. Truly, I do. Perhaps his penchant for plastic surgery began moments after the Wheaties brand breakfast cereal replaced his picture on their boxes with a new, ...
On March 15, 2005, 42-year-old Kathleen Cregan told her husband and two young sons that she would be taking a business course in Dublin for a few days. She kissed them goodbye, left their home in rural Ireland, and boarded a plane to New York City. There, she would have a full-facelift performed by Dr. Michael E. Sachs in his offices on Central Park South. Months before, after reading about Dr. Sachs' prowess in physical transformation in The Sunday Independent of Ireland, she contacted hi...
WELL my friends my surgery date has been set for Sept 12th this year, now I get to worry a whole 6 weeks before the cutting begins, LET THE FEAR BEGIN!! This morning I finally had my 'reading' of my MRI about my right shoulder problems, well the good news is, no torn rotator cuff, the bad news is I have frozen shoulder syndrome. meaning some ligaments and tendons have attached themselves to part of the bone itself. So when I get a surgery date I will be out of writing commi...
Unless celebrities are trying to hide bad teeth or, worse yet, no teeth, I simply can't understand why some choose to inflate their lips to such a degree that their upper lip hugs both nostrils when they smile. According to plastic surgeon Dr. Tony Youn,, lips are not meant to be the same size. "The lower lip," he explains, "should be about 1:5 times the size of the upper lip." Not 1:1. Below is a list of 26 celebrities who, at some point in their career,...
Women are often forced to have surgical proceedures they don't even want connected with pregnancy. How come, when a woman wants an abortion, it's all about her right to her body, her right to have a choice, but when my wife wanted to have a baby vaginally, the doctor told her she would have to have a C-Section? Where your choice now? Where's your control over your own body? How can there be a choice to kill your baby, but if you keep that baby, your right to choose goes out the window...
I recently (as in yesterday) had my gallbladder removed. This surgery is so common, that it is now out patient. It's done laprascopically, and leaves you with 4 small incisions and a swollen belly. It is also only about an hour long surgery. My surgery started at 12:30pm and I left the hospital at 3pm. How fast was that???? I know many people who have had the same surgery previously, however, I am the first that did not have to stay at least one night. I am *t...
D came through the surgery okay, and I brought him home last night. He spent the night on the couch - he said that he didn't think he'd be able to manage the stairs last night (was full of percocet and still drowsy from the anesthesia) - and when I got up this morning he was walking around the kitchen on his crutches. He's been bearing a little weight on his leg today and has been using his CPM (Continuous Passive Motion; it bends and straightens his knee a few degrees) and pain med...
This question was recently asked by a popular television commentator. It's not the 1st time i heard the question. But , for some reason, it has stuck in my head for a couple of weeks now. It is a given that the abortion debate divides people about 1/2 and 1/2 in this country. One half wants to outlaw abortion or severely restrict it to only life threatening or other extreme circumstances. And the other camp wants little or no restrictions on abortion. I'm not here to debate that. For t...
I don't understand...wait maybe I do - I do understand people who are unhappy with their looks. I do understand people who want to relive their glory days, days of their young, supple, beautiful youth! We all understand that when you get older, everything goes south! Your whole body changes on you. Even if you're one of those who have been very diligent about dieting and exercising to take care of your body. Eventually, lines appear, your skin wrinkles, your hair begins to thin.....
By: Fritz Frei Related to the primary tumor: • Asymptomatic • Poor stream • Retention of urine • Urgency • Frequency • Hematuria (blood in the urine) • Related to secondary tumor deposits: • Bone pain(back and pelvis): • Pathological fractures • Enlarged lymph glands • Kidney failure • Related to the general effects of malignancy: • Weight loss • Tiredness • Malaise • Anemia • Loss of appetite Early prostate cancer is usually completely asymptomatic. By the t...
by Eric Morris The dictionary defines birth control as "a regimen of one or more actions, devices, or medications followed in order to deliberately prevent or reduce the likelihood of a woman becoming pregnant." Birth control has become imperative in today's world, due to the global rise in population, need for family planning and also to safeguard oneself from unwanted pregnancy. There are various methods of birth control that one can adopt, including the withdrawal method, or coitus...
Western Medicine sucks! I have a growth on the outside of my pinko toe{named after the far left} about the size of 1/2 a golf ball Hurts like hell too. Went to my G.P. Doctor he said "wow that's interesting" "I have no idea what it is", He called a foot Dr. while I was in room, the foot Dr. says give him massive shot of antibiotic's, ever have a massive shot of antibiotics? It is this thick stuff they shoot in your "hip" {read ass}hurts like hell, makes leg numb and puts a knot on ...